Handmade family linen Monograms, Lace and Silk masterpieces are the most gentle, fluid and precious of gifts Principe Real Enxovais reserves for very important client events such as a Wedding

Bespoke lace masterpieces and high quality silk have graced the weddings & homes of European aristocracy and very fine families for centuries. At Principe Real Enxovais we offer our clients a diverse array of unique wedding gifts for the most important bride. In todays fast world, handmade linen monogram, lace and fine silk wedding masterpieces are truly a premier unique gift that also enjoy a romantic reputation as the wedding gift of choice for intimate and special moments in our lives. As a famous writer once said "think of the butterfly caress of a bridal veil, the alluring flirt of lace along the hem of a petticoat or negligee, or a cutwork white bedcover tumbled back among the sheets of a fine bed". 

Because handmade linen, lace and fine silk creations for the home and bride's bedroom are so extraordinary fine wedding gifts, it is often associated with very important family events that inspire tender memories, thoughts and hope for the bright future ahead. We are passionate about bespoke fine linens that celebrate the best in life with grace. With much love and attention to detail, we handcraft unique bed linens, handmade monograms, bilros laces, silk gowns, lingerie, and other lace embellished fine linens to enhance the sophistication of our distinguished client house, table, bed, bath, and intimate lingerie masterpieces.